Registration and Certification
Take advantage of the versatile possibilities of using the device description in order to underline the attractiveness of your products. We would be pleased to provide you the best EDD device description for your device. We carry out development-related tests and support you in the certification and registration of your DD at the various fieldbus organizations and control system manufacturers.
In addition, we offer EDD developer support. We support your development staff with telephone and email support. For enterprises, which haven’t a good grasp of the field of the current device description technologies, basic and intensive training courses are carried out. In this way, your developers are ready for the challenges of the latest device description technologies.
FDT Test Laboratory
Thorsis Technologies has been operating an FDT Test laboratory since 2006. The accreditation was renewed successfully in January 2018.
Talk to us. We provide you an attractive offer for Certification of DTMs for your device. It does not matter whether the DTM was developed by you in-house or by a third party.
We also offer additional, functional tests for DTMs for your hardware independent of DTM Certification tests. We pay particular attention to the interaction with different frame applications, communication components and DTMs from other vendors. Our communication adapters with their communication DTMs and diagnostic capabilities on the fieldbus level allow us to offer various tests. These tests ensure the correct implementation of the interfaces as well as the device-specific functions of the DTMs. Our DTM Test laboratory has different FDT Frame Applications as well as control software and hardware available for these purposes.
SIMATIC PDM Integration
We carry out tests and certification as a partner of Siemens AG for your device EDD for SIMATIC PDM in our PDM test laboratory. Our test steps take the complexity and functionality of the EDD into account.
Our extensive SIMATIC PDM Integration test ensures the quality for the EDDs integrated into SIMATIC PDM for all manufacturers. It contains an offline test as well as an online test of the device EDD. All functions are checked by us up to the last parameter. An EDD tested by us can be used independently of the communication tool for all tasks in field device communication, commissioning and parameterization.
If an EDD was used already in other parameterization tools and its functionality is proven, an Acceptance test of the EDD might be sufficient. Its priority is to prevent failure or disturbance of SIMATIC PDM. This reduced test only contains the offline test. The device manufacturer has to ensure the correct online function of the EDD.
The condition for the integration of an EDD in PDM is the creation of a so-called object type. Since version 8.0 of PDM, these are only created together with a positive integration or acceptance test.
Current and certified EDDs for PDM can be found here.
Multi-Vendor Wall
„Quality cannot be gained by testing, Quality comes from design!“ This mission statement applies to us and probably to you too. However, quality assurance belongs to the most important and intensive steps for new developments as well as during product enhancement.
In order to test the quality of our products, we operate an extensive multi-vendor wall installation to test hardware products as well as our software developments. You can also use this multi-vendor wall for testing your products.
We will send you offers and test plans for your device. Of course, you can also personally run tests at our site and use the existing infrastructure, including our multi-vendor wall.