Development of UIP for .NET / Development of UIP for HTML5

In addition to the use of classical EDD UI system integration via FDI Device Packages also offers the user the use of programmed user interface plug-ins (UIP) as an option to map additional device functionalities and features. These include:
- the realization of special device functions in a user-friendly manner
- the display of the device’s unique features
- access to specific algorithms, databases, host-specific hardware functionalities, or other complex functions
Thorsis Technologies GmbH supports you in the development of UIPs. This includes the complete development of the UIP based on your requirements, as well as partial implementations or tests in certain phases of development. The requirements for the UIP to be developed can be derived from existing software solutions such as DTMs or other documentation.
With version 1.2 of the FDI specification will be the use of UIPs on mobile host systems based on web services possible. Not only did Thorsis Technologies actively participate in the development of this specification, it is also significantly involved in the prototyping of HTML5 UIPs.