FDT 2.x DTM development tool / Visual Studio extension / Device integration

technical data / system requirements
- Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10
- Visual Studio from version 2010 beginning
- english documentation on CD
- Support and maintenance for 1 year
features / supported protocols
- integration in Microsoft Visual Studio
- DTM and function wizard
- addin for DTM configuration
- isDTM Architect FDT2 framework
- translation editor with EDD dictionary import
- FDT2 Testframe application with scripting functionality
Additional services
- Talk to us and we will find out together whether you want to use your available capacity for an own FDT development by purchasing an isDTM Architect FDT2 license or whether we shall implement a DTM according to your needs.
Related hardware
- USB Dongle
The concept of isDTM Architect FDT2 is based on
- a wizard to generate DTMs and their user interfaces
- an add-in for Visual Studio to adjust all DTM properties and the DTM data set
- the isDTM Architect FDT2 framework, which provides the required DTM user interfaces and the DTM business logic
The DTM Wizard enables Visual Studio to create a functioning DTM instantly. The wizard offers various selections regarding the kind of DTM and support for several communication protocols. The function Wizard allows creating additional dialogs for the DTM.
The Visual Studio add-in is a comprehensive, easy to use, graphical tool allowing to configure all aspects of the DTM comfortably and intuitively. Additionally, all possibilitites of .Net programming are available to implement specific design and behavior.
isDTM Architect FDT2 is a FDT2 development tool for Microsoft Visual Studio® version 10 or higher to create DTMs according to the current specification FDT2. It simplifies immensely the implementation of device and communication DTMs which realizes noticeable reductions in time and costs required compared to DTM development from scratch. isDTM Architect FDT2 explicitly addresses developers with little FDT knowledge.