generic FDT 1.2 DTM / EDD Host for HART, Profibus and Foundation Fieldbus

technical data / system requirements
- Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
- Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6 (at least)
- FDT frame application supporting FDT version 1.2 at least
- Software & documentation on CD
- Support and maintenance agreement for 1 year
features / supported protocols
- EDD Host working as generic FDT DTM
- EDD Host according IEC 61804-3 and IEC 61804-4 inclusive enhancements
- Support for HART EDDs, PROFIBUS EDDs and FOUNDATION Fieldbus EDDs
- Graphical Front-End (Offline, Online, Measured Vaules, Diagnosis, …) according FDT Style Guide
- Table- and tree view
- Import of EDDs during runtime (catalogue update necessary)
- Support of EDD methods including all BuiltIns
- Third Party Access to all defined parameters using IDTM::GetParameters() and IDTM::SetParameters()
additional services
- Talk to us. We would like to integrate your EDD into the DTM and create this way your device specific DTM software package.
demo version
- based on a provided EDD implementation we create on request a full functional demo version for your device.
Every field device that is to be integrated into an FDT environment requires a corresponding DTM. However, the implementation of a DTM is generally device-specific and expensive.
In many cases, however, EDDs (Electronic Device Description) exist, in particular for PROFIBUS, HART and FOUNDATION fieldbus devices. With our generic DTM, the isEDDview DTM, EDDs can be used directly under FDT. Field devices can thus be integrated into any FDT environment.
With the isEDD View DTM we offer you a generic DTM that can be adapted to your requirements. The isEDD View DTM reads device descriptions from field devices, interprets them and provides FDT device types as device DTMs on this basis. The entry points standardized for EDD hosts are offered as device-specific FDT functions of the FDT frame application and can be used for the configuration and operation of the field device.